07552 979 566
The awards outcomes listed are just a "snapshot" of what is required, just to give you a taste of our leading - edge swim programme, there are additional competencies to achieve. Distance certificates are used and for all other awards we use our much sought after rainbow of ribbons
Please ask the receptionist if you need a comparison to the National plan stages and more detailed information on the swimming groups.

Splash skills 1
Submerging my face underwater and blowing bubbles from my mouth and nose
Star floats on my front
Flutter kick on my back for 5m teacher can assist header if needed
Travel 5m on my front with or without a buoyancy aid
Jumps in without assistance
Splash skills 2
Fully submerge
Push and glide on my back
Jump in - Float on back - swim back to side
Sit dive to a glide - front crawl with my face in
Confidence jumping in

Splash skills 3
Swim 10m
​Floating on my front and back without a buoyancy aid
Kick on my front without a float for 5m
​Log roll
Sculling ​
Swim skills 1
Push and glide, kick on my front for 10m
Push and glide, log roll from front to back
Kick on my back for a minimum of 15m
Swim 15m of front-crawl with side breathing
Breaststroke kick for 5m
Head-first surface dive to retrieve an object

Swim skills 2
Front-crawl to forward somersault
Sitting dive, swim 25m of front crawl
Push and glide swim on back 25m
Breaststroke for 10m
Butterfly kick
​Tread water
​Demonstrate a shout and signal for help
Swim skills 3
Sitting dive swim 50m front crawl,
50m backstroke
Kneeling dive, 15m breaststroke
Kneeling dive, 15m butterfly ​
Straddle jump off the edge and tread water for 45 seconds

Club Ready 1
Demonstrate correct technique for freestyle, backstroke and breastroke.
Understand lane discipline and basic pace clock work
Demonstrate a change of speed in a swim set
Club Ready 2
Can demonstrate diving ability.
Show 10m of basic butterfly swimming.
Demonstrate a change in freestyle speed during a set.
Show a 5m rope rescue to a conscious casualty.

Club Ready 3
Demonstrate correct flip turns for Freestyle and backstroke.
50m of legal breastroke with underwater transitions.
Safety and personal survival training.
Land fitness test
Swim Team 1
Kick a 100m individual medley.
Backstroke turn
Breaststroke turn
Butterfly turn
Track or grab start
Time speed trial -
100m freestyle in 1 min 45 sec - 1 min : 50 sec
Perform a throwing rescue using a rope

Swim Team 2
800 metres
Backstroke start
Front crawl start
200m individual medley with turns and finishes
​Scull 15 metres headfirst
Tread water, using eggbeater leg action, for 90 seconds Wearing a long- sleeved jumper or sweatshirt and long trousers swim 25m
Swim Team 3
1600 metres set
Swim 2000 m
200m individual medley
Explain the HELP and HUDDLE position Perform a headfirst surface dive and swim 10 metres underwater in clothes
25m underwater dolphin kick towing a clipped rescue tube, pick up casualty and tow for 50m using FC

Swim 400 metres wearing a T-shirt, long sleeved jumper or sweatshirt, and long trousers or tracksuit bottoms, tread water for 3 minutes waving one arm to attract attention and 2 minutes normally.
Perform a feet-first surface dive wearing clothes, swim 10 metres underwater
Swim 100 metres in 75 seconds
Swim 200 metres of individual medley at or faster than 3 minutes 20 seconds.